The Right Stuff | Disc Brake Conversion Kits & Parts - Page 617
The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff offers disc brake conversion kits, brake boosters & brake master cylinders, brake repair components, and pre-bent brake lines for popular classic GM, Ford, and Mopar cars and trucks from the 1950s to the 1980s. The Right Stuff uses quality components to make a variety of disc brake conversion kits made to work with factory or aftermarket suspension, factory wheels or larger wheels, and offers a variety of different looks with raw or powder coated brake calipers. The pre-bent brake lines, fuel lines, and transmission lines offered by The Right Stuff are based off an original line that is scanned with a laser measuring device ensuring an exact replication of the original every time. The Right Stuff has been dedicated to quality since it was founded in 1989 and that is evident in their award-winning products. RPUI is proud to have The Right Stuff in our family of brands and we are thrilled to offer The Right Stuff for your classic project.

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